Here are a few important practices to help keep your new bagpipes in the best condition possible.
Oil the Wood Especially when bagpipes are new, both the inside and the outside of your new bagpipes need to be oiled to prevent cracking. Using a specially designed Bore Oil is the best method of treating your bagpipes:
On the outside of your bagpipes use a small cloth and apply a thin coating of Bore Oil and allow it to stand a short while before wiping off any excess.
On the inside of the stocks and drones apply a very light coating of Bore Oil using a pull-thru swab or cleaning rod.
Polish the mounts If you have chosen a set of bagpipes with nickel or silver mounts remember to polish it. Polish silver and nickel trim with a high quality metal polish. Always read the label to ensure the product you are using is safe for the material on your bagpipes.
Break-in period Naturally you're anxious to start putting in long practice sessions on your new bagpipes but remember; until now the wood in your pipes has been dry and you are about to introduce moisture. It is advisable to allow a playing-in period over the first couple of months. Start with brief 10-15 minutes practice sessions and build up to longer periods as the weeks go by. This will give the wood a chance to take on the moisture at a manageable rate.
Dry your Bagpipes! After every playing session take the few minutes necessary to dry your bagpipes properly! It only takes a moment to brush the stocks with a soft drone brush and unzip your pipe bag if you're using a synthetic bag. Leave the blowpipe out to air out the stock whenever possible. These simple steps might be the most critical in maintaining healthy bagpipes.
ENJOY! Following these few guidelines will help keep your bagpipes in good condition and guarantee their long life.
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