Setting Up Kinnaird Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds. Kinnaird Carbon Fibre Drone reeds have been developed and tested to operate in the majority of bagpipes. The sound that you will get from your instrument will depend on the reed set-up and the condition of the bagpipe. To get the best sound out of our reeds and minimize any problems during set-up, check the following prior to starting.
Check that all joints including the stocks are tightly hemped and that no air is leaking from the joints.
Check for cracks in the drones or a loose drone bush.
Take each section of the drone and plug one end with your finger and blow on the other end. No air should escape. Check the bores of the drones for obstructions.
If you use a canister system, check to ensure the hose connections to the stocks are tight and not cracked.
When you are certain that the bagpipe is in good condition, you can begin to set-up the drone reeds. Ensure that when you install the reeds in the drone that:
The reeds are properly seated in the reed seats. If air leaks past the reed through the reed seat, the reeds will not function optimally. If needed, add or remove some black waxed hemp from the reed until they seat solidly in the bottom of the drone. If you have very small reed seats, you may need to enlarge them with a tapered reamer.
Ensure that the reeds are seated straight in the bottom of the drone and that they are not in contact with the sides of the stocks
Raising the pitch (Drones will tune higher on the tuning pins).
The pitch of the reeds can be raised by removing the nose cone from the end of the reed and unscrewing (counter-clockwise) the set screw in the nose cone. This reduces the length of the air column which will raise the overall pitch of the drone.
The pitch can also be raised by seating the reeds further into the drone reed seats. Remove some hemp and reinstall the reed further into the reed seat.
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