2009 marked the 250th birthday of Robbie Burns. Although they began as a small celebration by Burns' friends after his death, the celebrations have grown and now Burns suppers are celebrated all over the world. Generally, the event takes place on or around January 25th, the poet's birthday.
There is a specific format to a Robbie Burns Supper. It is as follows:
Welcome Speech- The event host welcomes everyone to the supper and the guests take their seats.
Selkirk Grace- The following grace is read as guests bow their heads:
"Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
Sae let the Lord be thankit."
Entrance of the Haggis- Lead by a bagpiper, the haggis is brought in by the cook. The Address to a Haggis is given and the haggis is cut.
Supper- A toast is given to the haggis and guests enjoy their meal.
Loyal Toast- The host proposes a toast to the health of the monarch.
Immortal memory- A guest gives a speech reflecting on some aspects of Burns' life. Everyone drinks a toast to the bard.
Toast to the Lassies- A male speaker expresses views on women. It should be amusing, but not offensive.
Reply to the Toast to the Lassies- A female guest gets to reciprocate with her views on men.
Works by Burns- Burns' poems and songs are read and sang.
So, enjoy your haggis and whisky in celebration of Scotland's Favorite Son, Robbie Burns.
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