Your credit card information will be encrypted from the moment you enter it until your transaction is processed, and will not be saved on a public server. Our server is hosted by Horizon Computer Solutions, please see
Please note that email is not encrypted and is not considered a secure means of transmitting credit card numbers.
If you have any concerns about ordering electronically, please call 306-249-2939, to simply place your order over the phone, or fax 306-249-2933.
The privacy and security of your transactions are important to us. Your credit card number and other personal data will be treated with the highest standards of safety, security features, and confidentiality.
Kinnaird Bagpipes does not sell or exchange names or information about our online customers with third parties. Customers who make a purchase at are required to submit personal information (name, phone number, address, email address, and credit card). We use this information to process your order and improve your overall shopping experience. We maintain customer names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses so they can be accessed for future orders. Complete details of each customer order are kept in paper format as a receipt of transaction. This information is not used for any other purpose.
We maintain information volunteered during the order and registration processes - and we keep this information confidential. With the express consent of our customers, we will send e-mail notification of specials, newsletters, and other information periodically. We use Constant Contact for our newsletter emails. You are able to unsubscribe at any time.
If, for any reason, you would like to be taken off our e-mail list, please contact us via e-mail at
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