If you or someone you know are considering purchasing a new set of pipes on eBay to save money, Buyer Beware. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! There are countless stories of people purchasing pipes through auction sites only to receive an inferior product.
There are many sets of Pakistani pipes listed on eBay. These pipes are often made of rosewood or cocus wood, not African Blackwood. You may also find that a set listed as "blackwood" may actually be another type of wood that has been painted black. Pipes from Pakistan are often poor quality. They often require hundreds of dollars worth of additional products and repair to get them playable.
Sometimes, you may find that the picture shows a maker stamp. While this can be a sign that you are receiving a quality set, make sure that you inquire further. A stamp on the chanter does not mean that the whole set is from that maker. Ask for close up images of the full set to ensure that you are getting a matched set of good quality.
Even on a good quality set, be aware that parts may have been replaced or repaired over time and may not be in the original condition. Ask for this information before purchasing.
It's not just Pakistani pipes that are questionable. There are false claims from individuals misrepresenting quality pipe makers. If you do chose to purchase bagpipes on eBay, research your information before hand and make sure the seller will accept the bagpipes back if they do not meet your standards.
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August 2319, 2019 at 11:08 am
I can attest to the online e-bay bagpipes because I got ripped off when I was just getting started. I was interested in learning bagpipes in 2006, so I shopped around for a set on ebay and ended up buy a paki set for $185. What a pile of firewood! But I did get them to somewhat hold air......after seasoning the hell out them, buying drone reeds, carving the chanter, buying an actual pipe chanter reed and hemping the hell out of everything. when I was done I had nearly $500 invested into a really crap set of pipes....not to mention many MANY hours of frustration. Save your self the aneurysm, buy from a reputable pipe maker.
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