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Massed Band Drum Scores For Pipe Band Dummers

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Massed Band Drum Scores for Pipe Band Drummers

-by Hugh Cameron and Doug Stronach.

This is a comprehensive twenty page book and accompanying CD for learning to play the traditional massed band drum scores.
These scores have been adopted by many jurisdictions across Canada and the United States for massed bands, military tattos, non-competing massed bands, school bands, solo contests and for general use by individual pipe bands.
The scores are played on the included CD at four tempos: beginner, novice, intermediate and marching. The marching tempo includes a piper playing along with the scores.
This book includes all the details and information necessary to learn the correct phrasing and musicality of the scores and is a must for any drummer interested in learning to play traditional pipe band drumming.


Massed Band Drum Scores for Pipe Band Drummers

  Price: $39.00 CAD
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